Config file

Almost all settings are set in config.yaml.

log_level Logging-level

The logging verbosity in the terminal and log-file can be set as one of ALL MARK TRACE DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR FATAL OFF.

log_level: INFO

behaviour Behaviour

This sections controls the behaviour of JohnCG during usage.

activate_item_on_add Automatically activate items after adding

Determiens wether an item should be activated (set as the currently displayed one) when it gets added to the playlist

activate_item_on_add: true

bible_citation_style Bible citation style

Customize the citation style used for bible-passage lower-thirds.

Input a citation for 1. Moses chapter 1, verses 2 through 4 and 6 and chapter 7.

bible_citation_style: 1. Moses 1,2-4.6; 7

path Paths of the different files

Stores the paths for the different files used by JohnCG. It supports both relative and absolute paths.

playlists: Playlists
songs: Songs
psalms: Psalms
pdfs: PDFs
bible: Bibles/Lutherbibel.bbl


Path for the playlist-files.
Playlist-files are json-files but with a *.jcg file-extension.


Path for the song-files.
Songs are stored in the Songbeamer-format.


Path for the psalm-files.
Psalm-files are json-files but with a *.psm file-extension.


Path for PDF-files.


Path of the bible-file.

casparcg_connections Individual CasparCG-connections

Each entry is an individual CasparCG channel. You can add multiple entries for different channels on the same CasparCG-server and also specify other CasparCG-servers on the network.
All of them get sent the same commands.

For more information about the casparcg.config visit the CasparCG wiki.

  - host:
    port: 5250
    channel: 1
      media: 20 # optional
      template: 21 # optional
    path: casparcg
    # stageview: true


Hostname or IP-address of the CasparCG-server.
Use or localhost for a server running on the same machine as JohnCG.


Port used by CasparCG for ACMP control.
Remember to change it in casparcg.config too.


The channel that should be used.


JohnCG uses two layers: one exclusively for media and one for templates.
Omit one a layer-definition to not display it.

The media-layer is used for:

  • song- psalm- and countdown-backgrounds
  • media-items
  • PDF-slides

The template-layer is used for:

  • song-, psalm and countdown-text
  • bible-citations
  • text-lower-thirds
  • template-items

Since the AMCP-item sends arbitrary AMCP-commands it isn’t bound to the layers specified in the config.

Make sure the template-layer has a higher number than the media-layer since CasparCG renders higher layer-numbers above lower ones.

You can modify the displayed content by sending AMCP-commands through external tools, for example Bitfocus Companion.
This could be changing the brightness of the media-player to increase the contrast on the beamer-output through the BRIGHTNESS-mixer.

path (optional)

Relative or absolute path to a CasparCG-instance.
If this option is specified, JohnCG tries to start CasparCG at startup.

If you specifiy multiple CasparCG-connections to the same instance, only specify the autostart-path at one instance

Stageview (optional)

Renders a view optimized for performers. It displays the same as a normal output with the following changes:

  • always visible / not affected by visibility
  • no background-image for songs
  • (if available) song-chords